We are a non-profit organization committed to boldly accelerating student potential.

Our staff, volunteers, and partners work together to provide the individualized supports that each student needs to be successful from elementary school all the way to the workforce.

Utilizing data-driven strategies and robust partnerships within the Education Continuum, shift_ed delivers evidence-based supports  to all students and families. We want students to see that anything is possible and find success in their diverse educational and career pathways.

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We believe strong partnerships drive community success. We partner within the Education Continuum to provide individualized supports beginning in elementary school that open diverse pathways to success at every level. Tutoring, career exposure, postsecondary planning, and scholarships are all part of shift_ed’s diverse support services.

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We are leaning into the innovation we’ve put into play during the pandemic and boldly collaborating in new ways that are imperative for our students and families and that will drive game-changing outcomes for our workforce. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest updates.

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Creating catalytic change for our students, future workforce, and community at large is up to all of us. We are on a bold path to raise a $70M endowment that will ensure impact for generations to come.


With strong partnerships and over 20+ impact programs, we are on an intentional and strategic path to strengthen education continuums and outcomes in communities, with a proven model for success, classroom to career.

Over 8,000 7th and 10th graders completed the YouScience Career Discovery Assessment in the 2023-24 school year.


55 SEO scholars from the 2027 class, representing 15 Guilford County High Schools, will be first generation college students.

shift_ed scholars have cumulatively earned 784 Bachelor degrees and 151 Associate degrees which equates to $2.5 Billion in total potential work life earnings.

Headshot of Victoria

Being in a single parent household and in a pandemic, financially it’s been really hard, so receiving this scholarship has been such a blessing.

Victory Drumwright
Northeast Guilford Class of 2020