shift_ed strives to help students realize and accelerate their potential.
With services for elementary, middle, high schoolers and students working toward a postsecondary ceritifcate or degree, shift_ed drives the education continuum. We believe every student can make a bold impact on our communities’ futures.
The Education Continuum
shift_ed believes strong partnerships drive community success.
The Education Continuum opens pathways to success from cradle to career. Our support starts when a child begins school, and we walk side-by-side with families through the start of that child’s career. Equitable supports that actively engage differences and work to eliminate barriers to opportunity fuel our initiative. We meet students where they are to offer supports to students who need them most in elementary, middle, high school and college.
Elementary Supports
Reading is the foundation for learning. In kindergarten through third grade, children are learning to read; after third grade, students read to learn. In fact, third grade reading proficiency is one of the most important predictors for graduating high school. shift_ed is committed to increasing the number of students reading at grade level.
High Dosage Tutoring
High Dosage Tutoring is an evidenced-based program designed to improve students’ reading fluency, a key factor in increasing the percentage of students who meet proficiency standards as “College and Career Ready” by the end of third grade.
Middle School Supports
Our middle school programming is focused on career and technical education and closing the career exposure gap. Students can’t aspire to a career they don’t know exists. Our staff and volunteers work to expose students in middle grades to the plethora of opportunities that wait for them after high school or college.
YouScience Career
shift_ed aims to help students understand where their interests and aptitude intersect. Seventh and tenth grade students take the YouScience Career Assessment, which is a series of puzzles and brain games that not only helps students determine what they might want to do, but also careers in which they might excel.
Entrepreneur-I-Am Experience
Eighth grade students have the opportunity to create a product or service and then pitch it, Shark Tank-style to local professionals. The Entrepreneur-I-Am experience challenges students to think creatively and strategically while building confidence and gaining valuable work experience.
Mobile Innovation Lab
This makerspace-on-wheels takes careers of the future straight to middle school students. A partnership with Forge Greensboro, the bus is full of projects that allow students to get hands-on experience with STEAM careers.
High School Supports
shift_ed serves all 27 high schools in Guilford County Schools with supports that help students discover the opportunities waiting for them after graduation – and take the steps to achieve their goals.
One-on-One Postsecondary Consultations
Equipping students and parents with relevant workforce and postsecondary information is shift_ed’s specialty. From exploring career options and FAFSA completion, to test scheduling and college application preparation, shift_ed professionals work with families and students to address their individual needs. We are dedicated to eliminating finance as a barrier to higher education by comparing financial aid packages and helping families identify and apply for various sources of financial aid.
College Planning Series
shift_ed collaborates with organizations across the community and state to offer students and families regular workshops on how to get into and pay for college. Topics include FAFSA completion, financial aid, the college application process and tips for taking the ACT and SAT.
SEO Scholars Guilford County
SEO Scholars creates a more equitable society by closing the academic and opportunity gap for motivated young people, setting the standard for academics, mentorship, community, positive peer pressure and a powerful, lifelong network. Our free, eight-year, academic program successfully educates
and mentors underserved public high school students to and through college — with a 90% college graduation rate.
Higher Education Supports
shift_ed is committed to helping college students stay on track to a certificate or degree. We offer scholarships and continued connection, so students have more success in college and accelerate their career opportunities.
Registration is open from December 1 through July 1 for Guilford County Schools’ (GCS) seniors and graduates. shift_ed Scholarships provide last-dollar tuition assistance to qualifying GCS graduates.
Do You Have Questions?
If you have scholarship questions, check out the shift_ed Scholarship FAQ. If you don’t find the answers you need there, get in touch — the shift_ed staff is happy to help!
(336) 814-2233
Maximizing Opportunities
shift_ed professionals counsel scholars and offer tools empowering them to effectively utilize available campus and community resources and apply their certificate attainment to the workforce.
Complete the FAFSA
The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. shift_ed scholarship awards will be based on information reported on a student’s FAFSA.

To be able to have that scholarship, and not to have to worry about a meal plan or how I was going to pay for books or tuition meant a whole lot to me and my family as well.
High Point University Class of 2022