“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Ask a kindergartner and you might hear doctor, teacher, football player or YouTube star.

Those students may change their minds a hundred times before they graduate, or they might follow that dream every step of the way.

shift_ed exists to support those dreams, removing obstacles that stand in the way and providing support to lift up students. In collaboration with dozens of community partners, shift_ed is impacting students in elementary, middle, high school and college, and positioning graduates to succeed in their chosen careers.


Young woman in graduation gown, looking over shoulder

Elementary School Impact

Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies (HELPS)

shift_ed offers the HELPS tutoring program in GCS schools and after- school programs. Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies is an evidenced based program designed to improve a student’s reading fluency–a key factor in increasing the percentage of students who meet proficiency standards as “College and Career Ready” by the end of 3rd grade.  In the 2021-22 school year students participated both in-person and remotely.


became more confident in their reading ability


exceeded expected growth in reading fluency

Virtual Tutoring Program

In the fall of 2020, shift_ed began a Virtual Tutoring Program to prevent further learning loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program continued into the 2021-22 school year and is still serving students today.

GCS students participated in virtual tutoring

hours were given by community volunteers to support GCS students

What Students are Saying…

“It was really fun, and now I’m better at reading.”

“I think you encouraged me to read better and to read in front of people.”

“It helped me read more and know more words better and know how to sound them out. It helped me get better at reading.”

What Tutors are Saying…

“I loved seeing the joy in students when they improved their reading score. They are geniunely excited to read.”

“This experience has impacted my feelings toward working in the education field and helping to improve it.”

Middle School Impact

YouScience Career Assessment

Students cannot dream to do a job they don’t even know exists. The YouScience Career Assessment is a series of puzzles and brain games that helps students discover where their interest and aptitudes intersect. The online tool helps students unlock their superpowers, showing them career and educational pathways that leverage their natural strengths.

7th and 8th graders took the YouScience Career Assessment in 2021-22

Entrepreneur-I-Am Experience

Through the Entreprenuer I Am Experience, eighth grade students have the opportunity to creae a product or service and then pitch it Shark Tank-style to local professionals. The experience challenges students to think creatively and strategically while building confidence and gaining valuable work expereince. 

students at 4 middle schools, Allen, Jackson, Northwest and Southwest completed the program in 2021-22.

High School Impact

shift_ed Scholarships

shift_ed’s scholarship department conducts more than 100 free postsecondary access workshops, presentations, and community events every year.

More than 2500 families representing every GCS high school attended in-person and virtual events in the 2020-21 school year.

Events Include:

college exploration, college application assistance, FAFSA completion information, financial aid assistance and shift_ed scholarship registration information

Partners Include:

Guilford Parent Academy, Communities in Schools, College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC), and all GCS high school counselors.

Free SAT/ACT Prep Classes

More than 400 GCS students attended shift_ed's free college exam prep classes in 2020-21.

Service Learning Opportunities

shift_ed partners with GCS to offer service-learning opportunities for high school students.

GCS high schoolers earned 620 service learning hours in the 2021-22 school year

College Impact

shift_ed Scholarships

shift_ed scholarships support graduates from every GCS high school.

shift_ed Scholarships Have a Big Local Impact

2,361 GCS graduates have benefitted from shift_ed scholarships since 2016.

Making significant investments in the futures of gcs students

$43.5 Million

in total scholarship impact in shift_ed’s history

$12.5 Million

provided by shift_ed tuition assistance

$31 Million

provided by private schools partners

Federal Work Study Partnership

shift_ed created and maintained a Federal Work Study Partnership with GTCC, NC State University and Greensboro College.

students were trained in HELPS to work with GCS elementary students

Supporting Students Adjusting to College

Free workshops and  webinars to support students adjusting to college and preparing for their career.

Career Impact

Work-life Earnings

shift_ed is committed to helping students move toward better educational outcomes and increased social mobility. Our work is supporting positive systems change to prepare the next generation of leaders and an educated workforce for Guilford County and beyond.


total Work-Life Earnings created by shift_ed Scholars

588 Bachelor’s Degrees are equivalent to $1,646,400,000 in Work-Life Earnings

64 Associate's Degrees are equivalent to $128,000,000 in Work-Life Earnings

Madison Powers

Write your goals down, so you see them every day. If you want to do something, do it.

Madison Powers
Greensboro College Class of 2020

I want them to be free to do the things they want to do, and not be hindered by any circumstances.

Lisa Bond
shift_ed Scholar Mom