shift_ed & SEO Scholars North Carolina Reception

shift_ed & SEO Scholars North Carolina Reception

shift_ed & SEO Scholars North Carolina Reception

Location: Guilford College

Time: 3:00 – 4:30 PM

Following the conclusion of our regular Saturday programming for students, we will be hosting a family-friendly reception, and we would be delighted to have you join us. This event serves as a unique opportunity for SEO alumni in the NC area to connect with current scholars. We believe that your presence can inspire our scholars and potentially ignite a passion for mentorship. As you may know, the application for mentors will have recently opened on April 15th, making this event timely and significant. By attending, you can learn more about the mentorship opportunities available and how you can make a difference in the lives of our scholars.

We are also extending invitations to families, as we believe it is essential for them to meet SEO alumni and witness firsthand the impact of our community. During the reception, we will have the pleasure of hearing from two current College Scholars teammates, Amanda LaSalle and Nathalia Theogene. They will share insights into what being in the College Scholars program entails, aiming to generate excitement among scholars and parents alike.

The program will be brief, and we anticipate concluding around 4:30 PM. Following the event, we invite you to join us for an informal networking and reconnecting session at a local spot, World of Beers.


Informal Networking/Reconnecting with SEO Alumni

Location: World of Beers

Time: 5:00 – 6:30 PM

This gathering will provide an opportunity to mingle, enjoy refreshments, and hear a few words from El Gilbert, Senior Vice President/Head of Scholars for SEO, about the partnership between shift_ed and the SEO Scholars program.

Our ultimate goal for this event is to foster interest in mentoring among SEO alumni, generate excitement and investment among scholars and families, and strengthen the SEO Scholars community in North Carolina. We sincerely hope you can join us on April 27th for what promises to be a memorable and impactful occasion. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our scholars and the future of our community!

Register now!

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